So, it’s been a busy couple of months and I have neglected our blog. I kept starting to write and then getting pulled into something. It certainly feels like we are starting to put the turbulent world of covid behind us, however the recent events in Ukraine have led to many of us feeling quite helpless. Watching the images on the news, it’s almost hard to believe it’s happening, and I feel compelled to try and help in some way. At Isme we have decided to donate 1% of our sales in March to the DEC, to help provide food, water, shelter, and healthcare to refugees and displaced families. We will continue to do this each month whilst this continues. It’s not a huge amount, we aren’t a big corporate organisation, however hopefully this goes some way to help those who need it.
As I type this, I am recovering from Covid, whilst our household has been hit by this, we have received so many offers of help, taking the children to school, bringing us food and sending well wishes. I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by a great support network and that drives me even more to try to give back to those that may have lost this.
On to the news within Isme People, so I was delighted last week to welcome my 2 nd Kickstart employee into the business. Danni Lee has joined the team to help with recruitment and marketing within the business. She is learning quickly and even brought us into the world of Tik Tok this week, so watch this space for video content and give us a follow. Here are links to all of our social media channels It’s great to see the team growing and we wish Danni every success with her new career with Isme.
Today also marked the end of my weekly mentoring session with my 2nd group of Kickstarters, they have now completed 6 months with their employers, some of them have been offered permanent employment with their Kickstart employer and others have secured work with a new employer, but they have all grown in experience and confidence during our time together. I can’t tell you have much satisfaction it brings me to hear this from them. When I first started to get involved with the Kickstart scheme a year ago, I really wanted to create something that gave young people the support they needed to help them get their foot on the ladder of their chosen career. I am proud of the fact that I have been able to support them. I will have had 4 Kickstart groups in total by the end of the programme and my final group started this week and we’ll be working together until September 2022. It’s a shame this scheme didn’t continue as their really is a need for something like this to support both young people and businesses to grow.
During February I also spent some time training to become a DiSC practitioner. I want to be able to use this tool to help my clients not only gain a better understanding of new hires but to also create better working relationships with their existing teams. The more self-aware we are and the more we understand others, the more successful we are. Get in touch if you would like to discuss how I can support you with DiSC behavioural profiling within your organisation.
My final bit of news is we started to work with a new client in February, a well-loved brand, whose head office is based in Bristol. We were introduced by a friend of mine and when I went to their offices, I straight away felt they were the kind of client I would love working with. Entrepreneurial, a genuine care for their people, looking for a partner and values that align with our own. We have just recruited their Ecommerce Channel Manager and are on the lookout for a Sales Administrator for them as well. I’m sure this is the start of a great working relationship.
Have a great rest of the month everyone and look after those around you.
“At Isme we have decided to donate 1% of our sales in March to the DEC, to help provide food, water, shelter, and healthcare to refugees and displaced families.”