8 years of learning in business

8 years of learning in business

Let’s talk about vulnerability, I have a feeling this could be a long one but a story I need to get down on paper.   The story starts 8 years ago, I have 2 daughters, 3 years and 4 months old. I’m on maternity leave from my job as Head of Global Recruitment at...
Why Marketing?

Why Marketing?

So a lot has been happening at Isme People during the summer months, and although the blog posts have probably suffered we have been doing lots of work in the background as we carve out our niche market. Since the launch of Isme People in 2017, we have supported many...
Introducing Danni

Introducing Danni

Hello everyone, I’m Danni, one of Cathy’s newest recruits. I cannot believe where time has gone,  next week is my 9th week at Isme already?! I was meaning to write this blog at the end of my first  month but I’ve blinked and time has just flown by. I joined Isme...
Feeling thankful

Feeling thankful

How can it be the end of April already, having just returned from two weeks annual leave, I feel like the month had only just started. After spending two weeks in Florida with Mickey and friends, I feel like I have come back for a rest! Anyone that has done the Disney...
Back to in person networking this week

Back to in person networking this week

As we reach the end of the week, I am reflecting on what has been a pretty good week at Isme. There have been a number of reasons for this, firstly the sun is shining and blossom is on the trees. Spring is by far my favourite season of the year, I love seeing...
Suddenly Spring Has Sprung!

Suddenly Spring Has Sprung!

So, it’s been a busy couple of months and I have neglected our blog. I kept starting to write and then getting pulled into something. It certainly feels like we are starting to put the turbulent world of covid behind us, however the recent events in Ukraine have led...